
推荐 2020-09-17 22:05:51 推荐




There is no desperate situation in the world, only those desperate.


Water is like martial arts and martial arts is like a man. Gradually, gradually achieving goals, can avoid many unnecessary frustrations.


Do not think about the creation of the sea. It must begin with a small river.


Self-confidence is one of the qualities necessary for all successful people. If you want to succeed, you must first establish self-confidence, and if you want to build confidence in your own heart, you should be like sweeping the streets. First, it will be equivalent to the darkest shade of the street. The sense of inferiority in the corners is cleared away, then planted with confidence and consolidated. After confidence is established, new opportunities will follow.


It is not a bad thing for a person to walk through the detour and make mistakes on the road of scientific exploration. It is not a shame, but he must be bold in admitting and correcting mistakes in practice.


Melon is the sweetest growing up in nutrient fertilizers, and genius is the best that grows in malignant soil.


Luminescence is not a patent of the sun. You can also shine.


People often use “insufficient minds” to justify their unwillingness to work hard. In fact, there is no difficulty in the world, but only positive thoughts. Positive thoughts can almost overcome all obstacles in the world.


If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, attention as your brother and hope as the sentry.


The dripping water can finally wear the big stone, not because of its power, but because of the drowning. Only diligent and diligent efforts can obtain those skills. Therefore, we can say exactly: Say: There will be no miles and no miles.



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